Alert rule: GuaranteedUptimeTarget


This alert is based on our SLI Exporter and how we in Appcat measure uptime of our services. Each second SLI Exporter checks if the service is up and running and produce respective Prometheus metrics. If Service in last 5 minutes was down for 1 minute (20% of failed alerts) AND 45 seconds in 1 minute (75% of failed alerts) AND database is marked as "guaranteed_availability", then this alert is triggered.

Steps for Debugging

There is no obvious reason why it happend, but we can easily check what happened. Evevry "guaranteed_availability" database has at least 2 replicas and PodDistruptionBudget set to 1. So, if one replica is down, the second one should be up and running. If that failed it means that there is some issue with the database or node itself.

Finding the failed database

Check database name and namespace from alert. There are 2 relevant namespaces: claim namespace and instance namespace. Instance namespace is generated and always has format "vshn-<service_name(postgresql, redis, (…​etc))>-<instance_name>".

kubectl -n $instanceNamespace get pods
kubectl -n $instanceNamespace describe $failing_pod
kubectl -n $instanceNamespace logs pods/$failing_pod

It might be also worth checking for failing Kubernetes Objects and Composite:

#$instanceNamespace_generated_chars can be obtained in a way: `echo vshn-postgresql-my-super-prod-5jfjn | rev | cut -d'-' -f1 | rev` ===> 5jfjn
kubectl --as cluster-admin get objects | egrep $instanceNamespace_generated_chars
kubectl --as cluster-admin describe objects $objectname
kubectl --as cluster-admin describe xvshn[TAB here for specific service] | egrep $instanceNamespace_generated_chars
Check SLI Prober logs
kubectl -n syn-appcat-slos logs pods/appcat-sliexporter-controller-manager-$RANDOM_CHARS

Possible reasons for failing SLI Prober:

  • timeout:

    • network connection between nodes

    • network policy

    • overloaded resource

    • hanged process

  • connection refused:

    • broken process inside container

    • no port available

  • wrong credentials

    • restart sli prober

    • check if credentials are correct

      • get secret from claim namespace: kubectl -n $claim_namespace get secret $secret_name -o yaml'

      • postgresql example: kubectl -n $instance_namespace port-forward service/responsible_service 5432:5432

      • on local machine: psql -h localhost -U $username -d $database_name

    • if problem persists, then it’s probably a bug or customer manual intervention

Check providers responsible for the service
  • VSHNPostgreSQL

    • kubectl -n syn-stackgres-operator get pod

    • kubectl -n syn-stackgres-operator logs deployments/stackgres-operator

  • VSHNRedis, VSHNKeycloak, VSHNNextcloud, VSHNMariaDB, VSHNMinio

    • kubectl -n syn-crossplane logs deployments/provider-helm-4d90a08b9ede

Example based on an real alert
OnCall 	                    : 	true
alertname 	                : 	vshn-vshnpostgresql-GuaranteedUptimeTarget


name 	                    : 	postgresql-analytics-kxxxa
namespace 	                : 	postgresql-analytics-db

reason 	                    : 	fail-unknown
service 	                : 	VSHNPostgreSQL
service_level               : 	best_effort
severity 	                : 	warning
sla 	                    : 	besteffort


After You receive such alert on email, you can easily check interesting information, like in this case:

  • instance namespace: vshn-postgresql-postgresql-analytics-kxxxa

  • instanceNamespace_GeneratedChars: kxxxa

  • claim namespace: postgresql-analytics-db