How to Investigate a Service
This page shows how a service instance can be investigated. It provides several steps and inputs how to analyze issues, it’s generic for all services.
Each code block indicates if the commands need to be run on the control cluster or on the respective service cluster.
Find a Specific Service Instance
To find the instance based on the UUID and show information for it.
# List all instances
kubectl get compositeredisinstances,compositemariadbinstance,compositemariadbdatabaseinstance | grep $INSTANCE_ID
# List all Redis instances
kubectl get --sort-by .metadata.creationTimestamp
# List all MariaDB Cluster instances
kubectl get --sort-by .metadata.creationTimestamp
# List all MariaDB Database instances
kubectl get --sort-by .metadata.creationTimestamp
# Show a single instance
kubectl describe $INSTANCE_ID
The following labels contain metadata about an instance:
- on which cluster this instance should be deployed -
- Name of the service ("redis-k8s") -
- UID of the service (Redis = 8d4b8039-6bcc-4f68-98f0-0e8efa5ab0e2) -
- UID of this instance (same
) -
- Name of the plan -
- SLA (standard
) -
- UID of the plan (name of the composition) -
- UID of the parent service, if applicable (only for MariaDB Database instances)
The "Composition Ref" references the composition (plan) that was used with this instance.
The "Resource Refs" references the various K8s resources that were created for this instance (defined in the composition).
Instance not Ready
If an instance isn’t in a ready state and the marketplace shows it as "Installing" or similar, it means that some of the resources that were created for this instance aren’t ready. To figure out why, go through all referenced resources and see if they provide further info.
kubectl describe $INSTANCE_ID | grep "Resource Refs" --after-context=-1
The resources usually have the same name (prefix) (UID) as the instance. So for example to describe all Helm Release resources for an instance:
kubectl describe release $INSTANCE_ID
Namespaced resources are created in the "spks-crossplane" namespace on the control cluster. For example to see all secrets which were created for all instances:
kubectl -n spks-crossplane get secrets --sort-by .metadata.creationTimestamp --show-labels
Show Instance on Service Cluster
To show an actual instance on a service cluster you need to first find out on which cluster this instance got deployed:
kubectl get compositeredisinstances,compositemariadbinstance,compositemariadbdatabaseinstance | grep $INSTANCE_ID
This shows you the cluster name in the 4th column.
On the service cluster there will be a namespace with the instance’s UID:
kubectl -n $INSTANCE_ID get pods
Deleted Instances
When an instance is deleted (deprovisioned) the composite object and all its referenced resources will be deleted on the control cluster. This will uninstall the Helm release on the respective service cluster which will remove all resources from the instance’s namespace.
Since the namespace itself and the PVCs aren’t created directly by the Helm chart, they’re left in place. This enables restoring of a deleted service, by instantiating the service again with the same UID.
When a service is being deprovisioned, its namespace will be marked with a label
and an annotation
indicating the deletion timestamp. Periodically all marked namespaces need to be deleted:
# Show marked namespaces
kubectl get ns -L
# Delete marked namespaces
kubectl delete ns -l --dry-run=client
# Force deletion
kubectl delete ns -l
Access Data in PVCs
To access the data in a PVC, there’s two scenarios:
The pod which has the PVC mounted is up and running.
The pod isn’t running.
For the scenario where the pod is still running, you can connect to it and see the PVC:
# To access a running MariaDB pod
kubectl -n $INSTANCE_ID exec -it mariadb-0 -c mariadb-galera -- bash -c 'cd /bitnami/mariadb/data/; exec bash'
# To access a running Redis pod
kubectl -n $INSTANCE_ID exec -it redis-node-0 -c redis -- bash -c 'cd /bitnami/redis/data/; exec bash'
For the scenario where the pod isn’t running anymore (crashing, scaled down), you have to start a new pod which mounts the PVC in question:
# Name of the PVC
kubectl -n $INSTANCE_ID run -i -t --attach --rm volpod --restart=Never --image=none --overrides='
"apiVersion": "v1",
"kind": "Pod",
"metadata": {
"name": "volpod"
"spec": {
"containers": [{
"command": [
"image": "",
"name": "volpod",
"tty": true,
"stdin": true,
"volumeMounts": [{
"mountPath": "/mnt",
"name": "data"
"restartPolicy": "Never",
"volumes": [{
"name": "data",
"persistentVolumeClaim": {
"claimName": "'${PVC_NAME}'"