Exoscale Price API
Getting and generating prices for the Exoscale DBaaS offering is currently a very hand-knitted process, not much automation in place. Therefore, the documentation here is just some keyword style explanation.
Get upstream prices via the Exoscale API, see below for the URLs
With the following Python snippet CHF prices can be easily extracted into a CSV format:
import requests response = requests.get('https://portal.exoscale.com/api/pricing/dbaas-kafka') content = response.json()['chf'] for plan in content: print(f"{plan},{content[plan]}")
Feed that into the Google Spreadsheet "Application Catalog Service Pricing Calculation" (manual copy/paste)
Enrich the information with the data found on the Exoscale website
Convert the data from the Google Spreadsheet into a format which can be copy/pasted into the products.docs page with the Python snippet.
import requests import csv from contextlib import closing csvurl = "CHANGEME" content = { "PostgreSQL": [], "MySQL": [], "Redis": [], "Apache Kafka": [], "OpenSearch": [], "Service": [], "": [], } with closing(requests.get(csvurl, stream=True, allow_redirects=True)) as r: f = (line.decode('utf-8') for line in r.iter_lines()) reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') for row in reader: content[row[0]].append(row) for svc in content: if svc == "Service" or svc == "": continue print(svc) r = content[svc] for row in r: print(f"{row[1]},{row[2]},{row[3]},{row[4]},{row[5]},{row[8]},{row[9]}")
To get the
: In the spreadsheet, go to File → Share → Publish to web → Link. Choose the correct tab, and publish it as CSV. That’s the URL you want.