Central Control Plane (CCP)

universal control plane.drawio

The Central Control Plane (CCP) provides the multi-tenant multi-service-provider aggregation and central entry-point. All access to the Meta VSHN Application Marketplace happens through this control plane. It offers features needed to separate organizations, control access, service provisioning and gives a central view over multi cloud providers and the instances running this way.

We inherit the original architecture of the APPUiO Control API and extend it for the CCP.

It’s crucial to know where an organization is coming from, because that dictates various important aspects like what services are available, how billing works and more. For this we track the origin of an organization in a new field on the Organization resource called .spec.originRef and configure the origin-specific aspects in OrganizationOriginConfig.

As the available services is tied to the organization, and it’s origin, the catalog of services is provided in namespaced ServiceOffering resources. To filter the catalog, we introduce the ProvidedService resource kind, which can dictate per organization what is available. Besides showing what’s available, provisioning itself is also guarded by the availability of services through admission control.

For the user of the CCP it doesn’t matter where a service instance is created, it’s always the same API. For example VSHNPostgreSQL is the same resource kind, no matter if it’s created on the Central Control Plane, on the CSP Control Plane or even on the local cluster. The main difference lies in the selected Composition, hidden from the user.



Central Control Plane (CCP)

This is the aggregated view and entry point for the user. It provides the mechanisms for the multi-tenant, multi-service-provider self-service portal.

CSP Control Plane (CSPCP)

This runs Crossplane and the AppCat Control Plane which manages all the service instances on worker clusters. Each zone of a CSP runs at least one CSPCP.

Worker Cluster

Clusters running the actual workload, managed by the CSPCP. Each zone of a CSP runs at least one Worker Cluster. Services are directly exposed to the end-user.


A managed service which can be instantiated (ordered) and parametrized according to the specification.


A pre-defined set of parameters for a service.

Crossplane specific terms
  • Compositions - A template to define how to create resources.

  • Composite Resource Definition (XRD) - A custom API specification.

  • Composite Resource (XR) - Created by using the custom API defined in a Composite Resource Definition. XRs use the Composition template to create new managed resources.

  • Claims (XRC) - Like a Composite Resource, but with namespace scoping.

  • Managed Resource (MR) - Represents an external service in a Provider.

  • Providers enable Crossplane to provision infrastructure on an external service. Providers create new Kubernetes APIs and map them to external APIs.

Organization Enhancements

Organization Origin

This enhances APPUiO Control API: Organization with the aspect of the origin of an organization. The origin specifies from where an organization originates, either from VSHN, a CSP like Exoscale or Cloudscale or any other entity taking part.

This origin is used in further processes, like filtering of resources or access control.

It’s part of the Organization resource, in .spec.originRef which references a OrganizationOriginConfig (see Organization Origin Configuration.

Example Organization
apiVersion: organization.appuio.io/v1
kind: Organization
  name: acme-corp
  displayName: Acme Corp.
  originRef: csp-a
Example Organization Namespace
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: acme-corp
    appuio.io/resource.type: organization
    vshn.io/organization-ref-name: csp-a (1)
    organization.appuio.io/display-name: Acme Corp.
1 The value of spec.originRef.name from the Organization resource

Organization Origin Configuration

An organization origin is configured a resource kind called OrganizationOriginConfig. This resource is referenced in the .spec.originRef of the Organization resource kind and is used to parametrize further processes.

apiVersion: vamp.vshn.io/v1
kind: OrganizationOriginConfig
  name: csp-a
  compositionSelector: (1)
    - matchLabels:
        metadata.appcat.vshn.io/serviceprovider: csp-a
    - matchLabels:
        metadata.appcat.vshn.io/serviceprovider: csp-b
  mandatoryProvidedService: "true" (2)
  defaultBillingEntityRef: "be-42" (3)
  mandatoryLegalAcceptance: "true" (4)
1 Array of label selectors to filter the available services in the organization origin. Entries in the array will be combined with an OR operation.
2 Require ProvidedService to enable access to services
3 An optional reference to a BillingEntity
4 When set to true, the Organization needs to accept the legal terms before it is allowed to use the platform. TODO via "Organization" resource or via "BillingEntity"? Where should it land in the end? In VSHN Central?

This configuration can be overwritten per organization namespace with annotations, for example to give access to "beta" services or additional zones.

Organization Billing Entity

Each organization needs a reference to a BillingEntity so that we know where to send invoices to.

We introduce a new field on the Organization resource kind under the status sub-resource called .status.effectiveBillingEntityRef. This new field contains the effective reference to the BillingEntity, to be used for all processes needing a reference to the BillingEntity.

When the organization origin configuration has .spec.defaultBillingEntityRef configured, this will be used for the .status.effectiveBillingEntityRef field. Otherwise the content of .spec.billingEntityRef from the Organization resource itself is used.

Service Catalog

The service catalog is composed of the available Crossplane Compositions. The Compositions define the exact characteristic of a service, exposing all the possible parameters via the Crossplane Composite Resource Definitions (XRD).

The service catalog is defined on the CCP by adding the necessary configurations via a Project Syn Commodore Component. The XRD for each service on the CCP is exactly the same as the one on the CSPCP, the differentiation lies in the spec.compositionRef.

Depending on which Composition is selected, the service is instantiated at a different place (for example service provider zone). This allows for true portability, the API spec per service is the same, no matter if the service is provisioned on the CCP, on a CSPCP or directly in a cluster.

The Composition on the CCP wraps the Claim in an Object type from provider-kubernetes. It has spec.providerConfigRef.name set to the CSPCP which handles selection of the worker cluster for the service instance. This means we need a Composition for each Service/CSPCP combination.

In the Organization Origin Configuration we have a label selector for the Compositions configured, which is used to select the Compositions available to the organization. This automatically includes which XRDs are available.

Access to list the available XRDs and Compositions on cluster scope is denied to users of the CCP. See Listing on how the service catalog is made available.

Example Composition
apiVersion: apiextensions.crossplane.io/v1
kind: Composition
    metadata.appcat.vshn.io/serviceprovider: exoscale
    metadata.appcat.vshn.io/zone: de-fra-1
    metadata.appcat.vshn.io/servicename: VSHNPostgreSQL
    metadata.appcat.vshn.io/description: PostgreSQL by VSHN
    metadata.appcat.vshn.io/displayname: PostgreSQL by VSHN
    metadata.appcat.vshn.io/end-user-docs-url: https://vs.hn/vshn-postgresql
    metadata.appcat.vshn.io/product-description: https://products.docs.vshn.ch/products/appcat/postgresql.html
  name: de-fra-1.exoscale.vshnpostgres.vshn.appcat.vshn.io
    apiVersion: vshn.appcat.vshn.io/v1
    kind: XVSHNPostgreSQL
  mode: Pipeline
  - step: patch-and-transform
      name: function-patch-and-transform
      apiVersion: pt.fn.crossplane.io/v1beta1
      kind: Resources
      - name: claim-transfer-to-ccsp
          apiVersion: kubernetes.crossplane.io/v1alpha2
          kind: Object
                apiVersion: vshn.appcat.vshn.io/v1
                kind: VSHNPostgreSQL
                name: exoscale-de-fra-1
        patches: (1)
        - type: FromCompositeFieldPath
          fromFieldPath: spec
          toFieldPath: spec.forProvider.manifest.spec
        - type: FromCompositeFieldPath
          fromFieldPath: metadata
          toFieldPath: spec.forProvider.manifest.metadata
  writeConnectionSecretsToNamespace: syn-crossplane
1 We want to transfer the whole manifest

As we need several combinations of Compositions where only the CSPCP connection details are different they are generated via a Project Syn Commodore Component.


The available service catalog is subject to the organization, and specifically it’s origin configuration. Therefore, the catalog of available services is made available in the organization’s context through multiple instances of a namespaced resource called ServiceOffering.

A CRD ServiceOffering is provided. Instances of this kind are reconciled into the organization namespaces.

This allows to query the available services using kubectl -n myorg get serviceoffering.


When mandatoryProvidedService in the origin configuration is enabled, the ProvidedService resource kind define which services are available for provisioning.

When the ProvidedService has a spec.deletionTimestamp set, the service is disabled for provisioning.

Example Service Offering
apiVersion: appcat.vshn.io/v1
kind: ServiceOffering
  name: ExoscaleDEFRA1VSHNPostgreSQL
  XrdGVK: vshn.appcat.vshn.io/v1/VSHNPostgreSQL
  compositionRef: de-fra-1.exoscale.vshnpostgres.vshn.appcat.vshn.io
  serviceProvider: exoscale
  zone: de-fra-1
  displayName: PostgreSQL by VSHN at Exoscale DE-FRA-1
  userDocs: https://vs.hn/vshn-postgresql
  available: "true" (1)
1 Can the service be provisioned? When false, it’s a listing only service.


The optional namespaced ProvidedService resource kind is used to filter service availability to an Organization.

apiVersion: appcat.vshn.io/v1
kind: ProvidedService
  name: ExoscaleGVA1VSHNPostgreSQL
  namespace: $organization
  compositionSelector: (1)
    metadata.appcat.vshn.io/serviceprovider: exoscale
    metadata.appcat.vshn.io/zone: de-fra-1
    metadata.appcat.vshn.io/servicename: VSHNPostgreSQL
  deletionTimestamp: "Mon, 02 Dec 2024 16:15:25 +0100" (2)
1 Label selector to filter the available services in the organization origin
2 Timestamp when the ProvidedService has been marked as deleted

The deletion timestamp can be used to mark a ProvidedService as deleted so that a cleanup of resources can happen for example after a deletion grace period.

Kubernetes RBAC rules only allows restricted access. The user isn’t allowed to create, edit or delete this resource.

This resource kind is also used in Exoscale Marketplace Integration to track the state in the OSB API.

Service Provisioning

The CSPCP is an independent Control Plane which also could be used without the CCP.

The CCP acts like "a user" of the CSPCP and therefore places Claims into an organization namespace at the CSPCP. This Claim is then reconciled into the service instance.

apiVersion: vshn.appcat.vshn.io/v1
kind: VSHNPostgreSQL
  name: pgsql-app1-prod
  namespace: prod-app
    name: postgres-creds
    name: de-fra-1.exoscale.vshnpostgres.vshn.appcat.vshn.io

Connection Secrets

Connection secrets are made available in the organization namespace through standard Crossplane functionality. By specifying spec.writeConnectionSecretToRef the connection details are written to the named secret.

Dynamic Data

There is some dynamic data on the CSPCPs which needs to be made available on the CCP. For example the backup listing is fully dynamic.

For that, a API server is proxying these resources on the CCP from the CSPCPs.

Service Access

As the service instances are running on Worker Clusters, services are exposed there and the user directly connects to the service on the Worker Cluster. No access is provided to the CSPCP.

Admission Control

Addition validation is needed of every service instance, besides the normal service spec validation:

  • Is the service actually allowed (GVK of the service)?

  • Is the the Composition in spec.compositionRef allowed?

This validation is basically the same procedure as in Listing, only services from the available catalog are allowed to be instantiated.

Organization Namespace on CSPCP

An Organization namespace is required on each CSPCP where a service is provisioned, to place the Claim into it.

For that we use provider-kubernetes as we already have the configuration available. The Composition Function handles the creation of the Namespace and does observe only on it.

Removal of Organization namespaces is handled in a CronJob which checks for empty namespaces and removes them. No Namespace removal is conducted with Crossplane.

Service Deprovisioning

Service deprovisioning happens by deleting the Claim in the CCP. It has the same deletion protection like on the CSPCP.

Control Plane Deployment

All control planes are running in a vcluster. This allows for portability and a flexible deployment.