Setting up the Crossplane Service Broker
This tutorial is deprecated. Some links may not work. |
This is a tutorial on how to install the Crossplane Service Broker as a service in your cluster and how to use Bearer Tokens to authenticate the Service Catalog against that Crossplane Service Broker service.
This tutorial assumes some basic knowledge about how a Service Catalog and a (generic) Service Broker work together. To learn more about the whole Service Catalog / Service Broker concept, read the relevant Kubernetes documentation, which is excellent. |
The setup around a Crossplane Service Broker consists of three main components:
The Service Catalog is the entry-point for users who want to instantiate new services. Its interface is a well-defined REST-API which provides an overview over all available and all instantiated services. It connects to one (or many) Crossplane Service Brokers, which provide this information back to the Service Catalog. (The Service Catalog may also connect to other kinds of Service Brokers in order to provide more services.)
The Service Catalog has been deprecated. -
A Crossplane Service Broker that knows which services it offers and what already instantiated services it’s responsible for. When a user wants to instantiate a certain service (via the Service Catalog), the Crossplane Service Broker creates the respective Crossplane custom resources in the Kubernetes cluster in which it runs.
Crossplane will then react on those Crossplane custom resources and from then on manage the lifecycle of the actual service instance, for example Redis.
The Service Catalog and the Crossplane Service Broker don’t necessarily have to run on the same Kubernetes cluster. For example, a Service Catalog can be installed on the Kubernetes cluster of a customer, while the Crossplane Service Broker might be running on a central and dedicated cluster. Additionally, services managed by Crossplane may be provisioned outside of the cluster on which Crossplane is installed on. For example, Crossplane supports instantiating cloud resources from providers such as Google Cloud, Azure or AWS. Naturally, such resources don’t run on the cluster on which Crossplane is installed. |
This tutorial assumes that you have some resources and services already at your disposal and already configured:
Have at least one Kubernetes cluster with Crossplane installed.
Know the service id of at least one service which Crossplane manages.
Have access to an authentication server which issues Bearer Tokens and which has a JWKS endpoint, like Keycloak for example.
If you don’t have a Crossplane setup with services configured, then, in order to follow along this guide, have a look at vshn/application-catalog-demo: It explains how to setup Crossplane and how to prepare services that are later recognized by the Crossplane Service Broker. Note that the service id used in that demo is Furthermore, you may also want to have a look at the Implement a New Service how-to. It explains the intricate details of how a service must be defined such that the Crossplane Service Broker can make use of it. |
Install the Service Catalog
The command below will install the service catalog service in your current Kubernetes cluster using Helm in the catalog
The namespace will be created if it doesn’t already exist.
Before you can run the command below, you need to create a file called values.yaml
with the following content:
image: (1)
securityContext: { runAsUser: 1001 } (2)
1 | The specific Docker image of the service catalog that will be deployed. |
2 | Configuring the service catalog such that it doesn’t run as root. This may not be necessary in your cluster. |
Run the following command to install the service catalog:
helm install \
catalog \ (1)
--values values.yaml \ (2)
--namespace catalog \ (3)
--create-namespace \ (4)
--repo \ (5)
catalog (6)
1 | The name of the service in your Kubernetes cluster. |
2 | Read configuration options from values.yaml file. |
3 | The namespace in which the service catalog will be installed into. |
4 | The previously defined namespace will be created if it doesn’t yet exist. |
5 | The Helm repository that contains the chart for the service catalog. |
6 | The name of the chart which Helm shall apply. |
Install the Crossplane Service Broker
The Crossplane Service Broker is configured through environment variables. A typical deployment may look like the following YAML.
After you created the file deployment.yaml
below, run this command to install the Crossplane Service Broker in your Kubernetes cluster:
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
kind: Namespace (1)
apiVersion: v1
name: service-broker
name: service-broker
kind: Deployment (2)
apiVersion: apps/v1
name: service-broker-test (3)
namespace: service-broker
name: service-broker-test
replicas: 2
matchLabels: test service-broker
labels: test service-broker
name: service-broker-test
- name: service-broker
- name: http
containerPort: 8080
protocol: TCP
env: (4)
value: crossplane-services
value: test
value: changeMeEventually
value: redis-k8s,3a385e26-cdfc-46bc-961b-69892684af8b,16379f5f-0c5f-4c55-a119-fd063af62919
- # Used for Bearer Token Validation
value: https://auth.corp.internal/jwks
- # Only configure this if plan upgrades are spcifically supported
value: "xsmall>small|xsmall>medium|small>medium"
cpu: 500m
memory: 128Mi
cpu: 200m
memory: 64Mi
path: /healthz
port: http
scheme: HTTP
path: /healthz
port: http
scheme: HTTP
terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
terminationMessagePolicy: File
imagePullPolicy: Always
runAsNonRoot: true
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
restartPolicy: Always
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
serviceAccountName: service-broker
serviceAccount: service-broker
schedulerName: default-scheduler
type: RollingUpdate
maxUnavailable: 25%
maxSurge: 25%
minReadySeconds: 30
revisionHistoryLimit: 10
progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
kind: Service (5)
apiVersion: v1
name: service-broker-test
namespace: service-broker
labels: test service-broker
name: service-broker-test
- name: http
protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: http
selector: test service-broker
type: ClusterIP
sessionAffinity: None
1 | This part of the YAML ensures that a Kubernetes namespace called service-broker exists. |
2 | This part of the YAML initiates the actual Deployment of the service broker. |
3 | This line defines the name of your Crossplane Service Broker.
Don’t change it for now, as this guide relies on it being called service-broker-test . |
4 | See below for an explanation of the environment variables that are defined here. |
5 | In order for the service catalog to discover and access the Crossplane Service Broker, a Kubernetes Service is created.
It conveniently also takes care of the load balancing between the two instances of the Crossplane Service Broker that get deployed. |
Take note of the environment variables that are configured in the above deployment.yaml
Variable Name | Description | Example Value |
The Crossplane Service Broker must know which services it’s responsible for. The ID can be any arbitrary string, though often this is a UUID. |
This is the namespace in which the Crossplane Service Broker will create it the relevant Crossplane custom resources. |
This is the username which is used when doing Basic auth between the Service Catalog and the Service Broker. If you don’t use basic auth, choose a random string here. |
This is the password which is used when doing Basic auth between the Service Catalog and the Service Broker. If you don’t use basic auth, choose a random string here. |
This URL is queried during the startup of the service broker. It contains the public keys in JWK-format that should be used to verify the validity of the JWT tokens. Learn more about this in the HTTP Bearer Token authentication how-to. |
Configures which plan size changes are valid.
Takes a white-list in the form of |
Configures which SLA changes are valid.
Takes a white-list in the form of |
The Crossplane Service Broker only allows changes to a plans SLA or its size. Changing both the SLA and plan size at the same time isn’t allowed. |
Both the SLA and plan size change rules are specified in a custom white-list format. rule = rule|rule rule = plan>plan examples: planA>planB|planB>planC foo>bar planA>planB|plabB>planA|planC>planA The list isn’t transitive.
That means the rule |
Get a Bearer Token
Below are To run
Now you get a terminal in which you can then run If you are more comfortable using
Now you get a terminal in which you can then run |
If you (or your company) use an OpenID compliant authentication server, you should be able to learn about the JWKS URL from the .well-known/openid-configuration
curl https://auth.corp.internal/.well-known/openid-configuration
The JSON will look like this:
"issuer": "auth.corp.internal",
"token_endpoint": "auth.corp.internal/token", (2)
"jwks_uri": "auth.corp.internal/jwks", (1)
"revocation_endpoint": "auth.corp.internal/revoke",
"scopes_supported": ["openid"],
"response_types_supported": [],
"response_modes_supported": [],
"grant_types_supported": ["client_credentials"],
"acr_values_supported": [],
"subject_types_supported": ["public"],
"id_token_signing_alg_values_supported": ["ES256"],
"token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported": ["client_secret_post"],
"token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg_values_supported": ["ES256"],
"claims_supported": [
"code_challenge_methods_supported": []
1 | Look for the jwks_uri .
It’s the URL we’re interested in. |
2 | Also note down the token_endpoint .
We’ll need it later. |
JWK Store
To verify that the Crossplane Service Broker will be able to access this URL, check the response now:
curl https://auth.corp.internal/jwks
This should return a JSON like the following:
The values for x and y have been shortened in the example below.
"keys": [
"kty": "EC",
"crv": "P-256",
"x": "6ze…",
"y": "O5K…"
Get a Bearer Token
In order to get a Bearer Token, you need to be in the possession of a client_id
and a client_secret
Create these on your authentication server or request them from authorized personnel.
Those should allow you to request a token from the authentication server on the /token
The |
curl \
--silent --request POST \
--data "grant_type=client_credentials" \
--data "client_id=950aaaa5-a656-4a8c-8515-aa505a550a52" \
--data "client_secret=5a2924a5-050a-445a-aa5a-0a50a445a845" \
This usually returns a JSON like this:
"access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.zJrV44Lhr1Ck4vg1dMnldql0adLgut241jo0FbFXMlI", (1)
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 600
1 | The value-part here is your actual Bearer Token.
The quotes (" ) are just JSON syntax and don’t belong to the token itself. |
You can check the content of the token on |
Here’s a shortcut to grab the token directly:
On macOS, you can also copy the token directly to your clipboard like this:
Connect the Service Catalog to the Crossplane Service Broker
For the following instructions, change to the catalog
namespace of your cluster:
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=catalog
In order to connect the Service Catalog to the Crossplane Service Broker, we’ll have to provide the Service Catalog with some credentials. These credentials are used by the Service Catalog to identify itself to the Crossplane Service Broker. In this how-to, we focus on Bearer Token authentication. The advantage of the Bearer Token authentication is that the Crossplane Service Broker can restrict the offered services based on information provided in the Bearer Token.
If you don’t need to use Bearer Token authentication, you may want to fall back to Basic authentication. This would typically be the case when your Crossplane Service Broker is only serving one team, group or customer anyways, or in other words: It’s a single tenant system instance. The Setup HTTP Basic authentication how-to covers that. |
The Service Catalog will read the Bearer Token from a Kubernetes secret resource. Therefore we need to get the Bearer Token from the authentication server and create a Kubernetes secret with it:
TOKEN=$(kubectl run \
--namespace default \
--attach --rm --quiet \
"curl-$(date +%s)" \ -- \
--silent --request POST \
--data "grant_type=client_credentials" \
--data "client_id=950aaaa5-a656-4a8c-8515-aa505a550a52" \
--data "client_secret=5a2924a5-050a-445a-aa5a-0a50a445a845" \
"https://auth.corp.internal/token" | jq -r .access_token)
printf "----BEGIN TOKEN----\n${TOKEN}\n----END TOKEN----\n\n"
kubectl create secret generic bearer-creds "--from-literal=token=${TOKEN}" --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
Don’t forget to change the values client_id , client_secret and the URL in the command above.
The token that’s issued by the authentication server may only be valid for a short time. (The token which was shown before in the HTTP Bearer Token authentication section was only valid for 600 seconds, that’s just 10 minutes.) In that case you will need to deploy a kube-token-refresher. The Setup Kube Token Refresher how-to covers the setup. The token refresher will ensure that the service catalog always has a valid Bearer Token. |
Register the Crossplane Service Broker at the Service Catalog
Now, finally, we must register the Crossplane Service Broker at the Service Catalog. The Service Catalog will immediately query the Crossplane Service Broker about the services it offers. It (the Service Catalog) will then updates its catalog of all the services that can be provided by our (and all other) registered Service Brokers.
To register the Crossplane Service Broker run the following command.
svcat register servicebroker-test --bearer-secret bearer-creds --url "http://service-broker-test.service-broker"
It should then be possible to interact with this instance of the Crossplane Service Broker through the Service Catalog:
# List all registered service brokers and their status
svcat get brokers
# Show the services that are available to order.
svcat marketplace
If you don’t need to use Bearer Token authentication, you may want to fall back to Basic authentication. This would typically be the case when your Crossplane Service Broker is only serving one team, group or customer anyways, or in other words: It’s a single tenant system instance. (The advantage of the Bearer Token authentication is that the Crossplane Service Broker can restrict the offered services based on information provided in the Bearer Token.) See Setup HTTP Basic authentication on how to achieve that. |