ADR 0028 - SLI Prober for Object Storage
Author |
Gabriel Saratura |
Owner |
Schedar |
Reviewers |
Schedar |
Date Created |
2023-10-23 |
Date Updated |
2023-10-23 |
Status |
implemented |
Tags |
service,monitoring,sli |
We use a Probe to monitor Object Buckets. |
Every AppCat service instance is being probed by our AppCat SLI Prober. Currently, we use our Prober for database instances which we need to make sure that these are accessible all the time. Object storage service is not a database service thus it might require a different approach as to how we check on service availability. For instance object buckets usually are not highly used like databases and sometimes a customer has hundreds if not thousands instances of S3 buckets with their object storage service. So how do we make sure that we expose the SLI metrics efficiently and reliably?
Check MinioIO Service
We can leverage prometheus metrics or http check exposed by MinIO to figure if the service is available thus calculating the SLI. This approach does not require the help of our SLI Prober but just a prometheus recording rule. It is very efficient as we don’t have to probe S3 buckets whatsoever.
There is a concern with this approach, while we check if the service is up and running via prometheus we cannot be 100% sure whether the S3 buckets customer created are accessible or not. This concern is also brought up in the documentation itself therefore our SLI cannot be reliable.
Probe all ObjectBucket
The most straight forward and reliable way to make sure buckets are available is to connect to each ObjectBucket and list its content. This can be done in the SLI Prober by using a reconcile on the Custom Resource. This approach is the most reliable of all solutions.
Probe one ObjectBucket
The idea behind this solution is to have a SLI bucket per each instance of MinIO. The SLI Prober would then probe on this single instance to figure out if all other instances are running or not. This solution seems to be a trade-off between the above 2 solutions though it’s not perfect. It will help us reliably check whether MinIO is running successfully and will put a low strain on the SLI Prober itself.
One of the main concern with this approach is whether we can guarantee that checking one bucket is equal to checking all buckets. In most case this should be the case as MinIO implements Erasure Coding. MinIO guarantees that even if half of the nodes are down the data is still available. However, if the are less than 50% nodes available then our test on single bucket is not relevant anymore.
Checking only MinIO service is not enough to ensure that buckets themselves are available. This is clearly stated in the MinIO docs. There can also be network issues to the buckets which we do not take in consideration with this particular check.
On the other hand, checking all the buckets is very much cumbersome for the SLI Prober. As stated earlier it can have a negative impact on other services as well.
The middle ground here is to go with a single object bucket health check. MinIO will ensure that all the buckets are available when there are at least more than 50% of the nodes. To mitigate this issue we can set simple MinIO alert on the number of nodes available in order to ensure >50% capacity all the time.