Restore PostgreSQL by VSHN Database
During emergencies, we need a reliable and a precise solution to restore PostgreSQL databases with Stackgres. This will help reduce significantly the downtime of databases thus resulting in short outage for the customer. Below are a number of steps to be taken when such outage occurs.
Step 1 - Asses the damage
Before restoring the database the damage has to be assessed in order to figure out the appropriate action.
Step 1.1 - Retrieve the XRD
When an outage occurs OpsGenie will alert the responsible ops which databases have issues. In most cases the alert is of type SLO Uptime. From the said alert the customer namespace can be deducted together with the name of the XRD of the service service:
kubectl get XVSHNPostgreSQL <name-from-alert> --as cluster-admin
The XRD is protected in case the deletion protection is on. |
If the XRD is missing, a new database have to be issued via a new claim. |
Step 1.2 - Find the instance namespace
The instance namespace is the namespace where the customer PostgreSQL instance is running. The instance namespace is hidden from the customer.
kubectl get XVSHNPostgreSQL <name-from-alert> -o=jsonpath='{.status.instanceNamespace}' --as cluster-admin
If the namespace does not exist then the database has been removed together with the PVCs In this case the data is lost and must be retrieved immediately from the S3 buckets. |
Step 2 Prepare for Restore Operation
Before restoring any data the database must be operational either with the old configuration or via a new setup. The following steps will guide you on how to retrieve the backups and prepare resources to be applied before proceeding with database restore.
Step 2.1 - Retrieve backups
There are 2 ways to retrieve the backups, either through the SGBackup
CR or directly through the S3 buckets.
In case the instance namespace has not been removed then there’s a high chance that the SGBackup
CR are present:
kubectl get SGBackups -n <instance-namespace>
Use the latest SGBackup resource and save its name. Skip the rest of Step 2 and move with Step 3.
In case the SGBackups
CR have been removed from the instance namespace or the instance namespace is gone then an SGBackup
must be reconstructed
with the details of the S3 bucket. Retrieve the XObjectBucket resource which has the same name as XPostgreSQL:
kubectl get XObjectBucket <name>
Step 2.2 - Retrieve bucket information
Given the bucket from previous step, access the S3 Bucket with s3cmd or any similar S3 tool. Make sure the data is present.
s3cmd --configure
Show Data
s3cmd ls --recursive s3://<bucket-name>
Step 2.3 - Create SGBackup custom resource
In case there are no SGBackup
resources in the instance namespace then one should be created for a proper restore.
The following is a template for the said resource:
kind: SGBackup
name: manual-backup
namespace: <instance-namespace> (1)
sgCluster: <sgcluster-resource-name> (2)
postgresVersion: "150005" (3)
backupPath: (4)
internalName: base_00000048000000010000009D (5)
status: Completed
baseBackups: {}
name: <bucket-secret-credentials> (6)
name: <bucket-secret-credentials> (6)
bucket: <bucket-name> (7)
enablePathStyleAddressing: true
endpoint: (8)
region: lpg (9)
type: s3Compatible
1 | The instance namespace from where the database is running |
2 | SGCluster resource from the instance namespace. It has the same name as the XVSHNPostgreSQL resource |
3 | The database version can be retrieved as follows:
The format is |
4 | The path in the S3 bucket, from the root folder to the version of the database instance:
5 | Last base backup code from the S3 bucket in the format base_hexcode :
6 | Secret of the S3 bucket. Can be retrieved from the XObjectBucket which has the same name as XVSHNPostgreSQL.
In case there is no secret it has to be recreated with the credentials from the cloud provider.
7 | THe bucket name |
8 | S3 Cloud provider endpoint |
9 | Region of the bucket |
Step 3 Restore the Database
The restore process is straightforward. The process is to tell to the PostgreSQL cluster to use our backup.
Recreate SGCluster
resource and add following snippet of code:
# skipped #
name: manual-backup
# skipped #
This operation will trigger a restart of the database and subsequently will import all the data from the S3 bucket.ù To check the restore process itself use the following command:
kubectl -n <instance-namespace> logs <pod-name> -f