Resource Usage Reporting for APPUiO Cloud

Metering of resource usage explains how the data collection for billing relevant data works for APPUiO Cloud.

Data model and data flow for Resource Usage Reporting explains how usage data gets reported and billed in general.

This page explains in detail how the general concept is applied for APPUiO Cloud.

The system for APPUiO Cloud usage reporting must provide usage data for customer resources in all APPUiO Cloud zones, at namespace granularity.

Just like in APPUiO Managed Usage Reporting, usage data is stored in a central Mimir instance and queried via the Prometheus Query API. A reporting tool implements the ETL process described in Data model and data flow for Resource Usage Reporting.

The reporting tool can share the same codebase as the tool used in APPUiO Managed Reporting; it simply needs to be configured differently. This page only describes the configuration differences.

Data Flow Overview

The reporting interval for APPUiO Cloud resource usage is 1 hour. The PromQL queries executed against Mimir therefore need to sum up the resource usage accordingly.

Any metadata that is required by the Metered Billing API needs to be present in Mimir, for instance, in the form of labels on timeseries. In particular, this is relevant for the Sales Order ID, which is needed for reporting.

Example configuration

    rules: (1)
        products: (2)
          - product_id: 'odoo_product_variant_id_string'
            params: (3)
              class: flex
              zone: c-appuio-cloudscale-lpg2
          - product_id: 'odoo_product_variant_id_string'
              class: plus
              zone: c-appuio-cloudscale-lpg2
          - product_id: 'odoo_product_variant_id_string'
              class: plus
              zone: c-appuio-exoscale-ch-gva-2-0
        instance_id_pattern: '%(zone)s-%(namespace)s' (4)
        item_description_pattern: 'All Pods' (5)
        item_group_description_pattern: 'APPUiO Cloud - Zone: %(zone)s / Namespace: %(namespace)s' (6)
        unit_id: '300' (7)
        query_pattern: '' (8)
1 The reporting tool is configured with a number of reporting rules. Each rule generally represents one Prometheus query template.
2 A rule can correspond to multiple products or product variants (for example if these products all use a very similar query).
3 Parameters can be defined for each product or product variant. These parameters are used to instantiate the query_pattern for each product.
4 The instance_id_pattern is used to generate the instance_id for a given record. All template variables must be present as labels in the query result.
5 The item_description_pattern is used to generate the item_description for a given record. All template variables must be present as labels in the query result.
6 The item_group_description_pattern is used to generate the item_group_description for a given record. All template variables must be present as labels in the query result.
7 Odoo ID of the unit in which resource usage is measured for this rule.
8 PromQL query pattern. The query results must produce all the labels used in name patterns, as well as the sales_order_id label. The query pattern can include pattern variables defined in product params (such as %(sla)s).

Billing API Parameters

For APPUiO Cloud, the Instance ID is comprised of the APPUiO Cloud Zone as well as the customer namespace. The item group description contains the exact same information, since the instance identifier happens to also be a sensible grouping criterion. The item description does not need to provide dynamic information (since that information is all redundant with the item group description), and can thus be a static description of the context in which a metric is being measured. Note that it’s not necessary to say what the metric is; that information is already contained in the product name. Alternatively, this parameter could also be omitted.

ETL Process

The ETL process for APPUiO Managed works exactly the same as for APPUiO Managed.


    "product_id": "ID_of_flex_vCPU",
    "instance_id": "c-appuio-cloudscale-lpg2/my-awesome-app",
    "item_description": "All Pods", (1)
    "item_group_description": "APPUiO Cloud - Zone: c-appuio-cloudscale-lpg2 / Namespace: my-awesome-app",
1 The item_group_description already contains all information necessary to identify which namespace this is about. So the description just provides some generic context. It could also be omitted in this case.

Managing Sales Orders

The Sales Order ID is an important parameter to associate products with where they should get billed. Each usage data record must be associated with an Odoo Sales Order. This section describes how Sales Orders are managed, and how the Sales Order ID can be retrieved.

The Sales Order ID must be present as a label on each Prometheus query result. To enable this, metrics containing the Sales Order ID need to be present in Mimir.

The APPUiO Cloud Control API ensures a Sales Order exists in Odoo for every organization. A reference to each organization’s Sales Order ID is stored in the Organization object, similar to how a reference to the corresponding Billing Entity is maintained.

There is exactly one Sales Order per organization. However, as multiple organizations can belong to the same Billing Entity, it is thus possible for multiple Sales Orders to belong to the same Billing Entity as well.

The APPUiO Cloud Control API exposes a Prometheus metric appuio_control_organization_info with one constant timeseries for each organization. This metric contains one label with the organization name, and one label with the corresponding Sales Order ID. This metric is shipped to Mimir and can be used in queries to associate usage data with the correct Sales Order ID.