Install a cluster for APPUiO Cloud

Starting situation and prerequisites

Cluster installation

  1. Register the new cluster in Lieutenant.

  2. Configure the desired zone name

    export APPUIO_CLOUD_ZONE="<zone name>" (1)
    1 Replace with the desired zone name
  3. Work through the following sections of the install guide for your cloud provider

  4. Adjust the installer config for APPUiO Cloud

    yq -i eval -i " = \"${APPUIO_CLOUD_ZONE}\"" \
  5. Work through the following sections of the install guide for your cloud provider

  6. Adjust the Terraform cluster config

    yq -i eval '.classes += ["global.apps.appuio-cloud-zone"]' "${CLUSTER_ID}.yml"
    yq -i eval ".parameters.openshift4_terraform.terraform_variables.cluster_name = \"${APPUIO_CLOUD_ZONE}\"" \
    yq -i eval ".parameters.openshift4_terraform.terraform_variables.infra_flavor = \"plus-32-4\"" \
    For Exoscale
    yq -i eval ".parameters.openshift4_terraform.terraform_variables.infra_size = \"Huge\"" \

    Storage node sizing is predefined for Exoscale in the global.apps.appuio-cloud-zone class.

    If you want to change the size of the storage node, you can do so with the following commands:

    yq -i eval ".parameters.openshift4_terraform.terraform_variables.storage_cluster_disk_size = 680 \ (1)
    yq -i eval ".parameters.openshift4_terraform.terraform_variables.storage_count = 4 \ (2)
    1 Size in GB
    2 Nodes
  7. Prepare APPUiO Cloud Agent Certificates

    # Adjust the lifetime as necessary
    openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout webhook.key -out webhook.crt -days ${lifetime} -subj "/CN=$servicename" -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:$servicename"

    Store keys in Vault

    vault kv put "${parent}/${instance}" webhook-key=@webhook.key

    Add certificates to cluster config

    webhookcert=$(cat webhook.crt)
    yq eval -i ".parameters.appuio_cloud.agent.webhook.tls.certificate = \"${webhookcert}\"" \
    yq eval -i '.parameters.appuio_cloud.agent.webhook.tls.caCertificate = "${appuio_cloud:agent:webhook.tls:certificate}"' \
  8. Work through the rest of the install guide for your cloud provider

  9. Add APPUiO Cloud specific CNAMES.


    Directly add the following CNAMES to the cluster’s zone.

    cname     IN CNAME ingress.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}.
    console   IN CNAME ingress.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}.
    registry  IN CNAME ingress.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}.
    logging   IN CNAME ingress.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}.
    For Exoscale

    We use Exoscale’s managed DNS offering. To add the APPUiO Cloud specific CNAMES run the following commands.

    exo dns add CNAME ${CLUSTER_DOMAIN} -n cname -a ingress.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
    exo dns add CNAME ${CLUSTER_DOMAIN} -n console -a ingress.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
    exo dns add CNAME ${CLUSTER_DOMAIN} -n registry -a ingress.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}
    exo dns add CNAME ${CLUSTER_DOMAIN} -n logging -a ingress.${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}