Disable access to one or more OpenShift 4 clusters

This guide describes how to remove a user’s access to one or more OpenShift 4 clusters


  • Access to control.vshn.net if the cluster uses LDAP authentication.

  • Admin access to the VSHN Keycloak if the cluster uses OIDC authentication.

    You’ll need to contact the VSHN CISO if you need access to Keycloak.

Remove access in control.vshn.net and id.vshn.net

For each OpenShift 4 cluster where the user’s access should be removed:

For clusters which use LDAP authentication
  1. Remove the service corresponding to the cluster from the user in control.vshn.net.

For clusters which use OIDC authentication
  1. Go to Users  {username}  Groups in the "VSHN-realm" realm on id.vshn.net, select the group corresponding to the cluster and click "Leave."

  2. Go to Users  {username}  Sessions in the "VSHN-realm" realm on id.vshn.net and terminate the user’s sessions in the client corresponding to the cluster.

Revoke access on the cluster itself

On the cluster, remove any oauthaccesstokens of the user:

export username=<username> (1)
export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/cluster/kubeconfig (2)
oc --as=cluster-admin get oauthaccesstokens | grep ${username} | cut -d' ' -f1 | \
  xargs oc --as=cluster-admin delete oauthaccesstokens
1 The username of the user to remove
2 Point kubectl to the cluster on which the user’s access should be revoked

Additionally, you can also delete the user’s user and associated identity objects:

export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/cluster/kubeconfig (1)
oc --as=cluster-admin delete identity --field-selector=user.name="<username>"
oc --as=cluster-admin delete user "<username>"
1 Point kubectl to the cluster on which the user’s access should be revoked

Deleting the user and identity objects is optional. The user won’t be allowed to create fresh tokens once their access is revoked in control.vshn.net and id.vshn.net.