Configure static Egress IPs with Cilium


  • cluster-admin privileges

  • Cluster is running Cilium. See the migrating to Cilium how-to for a guide to migrate a cluster to Cilium.

  • kubectl

  • jq

  • curl

  • Working commodore command

Prepare for configuration

  1. Select cluster

    export CLUSTER_ID=c-cluster-id-1234 (1)
    export COMMODORE_API_URL= (2)
    export TENANT_ID=$(curl -sH "Authorization: Bearer $(commodore fetch-token)" \
      "${COMMODORE_API_URL}/clusters/${CLUSTER_ID}" | jq -r '.tenant')
    1 Replace with the Project Syn cluster ID of the cluster to migrate
    2 Replace with the Lieutenant API on which the cluster is registered

Configure Cilium to support static egress IPs

  1. Compile cluster catalog

    commodore catalog compile "$CLUSTER_ID" (1)
    1 We recommend switching to an empty directory to run this command. Alternatively, switch to your existing directory for the cluster.
  2. Configure Cilium

    pushd "inventory/classes/$TENANT_ID"
    yq -i '.parameters.cilium.egress_gateway.enabled=true' \
      "${CLUSTER_ID}.yml" (1)
    1 Currently (as of Cilium 1.14), the egress gateway feature isn’t fully compatible with L7 policies. To avoid issues, Cilium recommends disabling the L7 proxy when using egress gateway. Due to that, component cilium sets l7Proxy=false by default when egress_gateway.enabled=true is set. See also GitHub issue cilium/cilium#19642.
  3. Commit and push changes

    git commit -am "Configure Cilium egress gateway on $CLUSTER_ID"
    git push origin master (1)
    1 Optionally, you can push to a branch and merge once you’re satisfied with the change.
  4. Compile catalog

    commodore catalog compile "$CLUSTER_ID" --push -i
  5. After the change has been rolled out by ArgoCD, restart the Cilium daemonset and operator

    kubectl --as=cluster-admin -n cilium rollout restart ds/cilium
    kubectl --as=cluster-admin -n cilium rollout restart deploy/cilium-operator

Configure egress IPs


On Exoscale, you can allocate elastic IPs (EIPs) to use as static egress IPs. To use an EIP as a static egress IP, you need to attach it to a cluster node.

Once you’ve done that, you can configure CiliumEgresGatewayPolicy through component cilium:

      egress-ip: (1)
          - (2)
          egressGroups: (3)
          - egressIP: (4)
       infra-abcd (5)
          selectors: (6)
          - podSelector:
                io.kubernetes.pod.namespace: example-namespace (7)
1 Name of the policy, select a descriptive name if possible.
2 Destination CIDRs which should be routed through the static egress IP. In-cluster CIDRs are automatically excluded by Cilium.
3 egressGroups is only supported by Cilium Enterprise Edition. See this blog post for more details on the enterprise-only egress gateway features.
4 Exoscale EIP which you’ve allocated and attached to a cluster node.
5 Cluster node to which you’ve attached the Exoscale EIP.
6 This section allows you to select pods whose traffic should be routed through the static egress IP Generally, entries are standard pod selectors.
7 Cilium supports a special label key io.kubernetes.pod.namespace which allows selecting all pods in a specific namespace.
If the egressIP and nodeSelector of the entry in egressGroups don’t match, egress traffic will be dropped.
Cluster in private network

For clusters deployed in a private network, you can use the following configuration to use an IP outside the DHCP range as a static egress IP

      egress-ip: (1)
          - (2)
          - (3)
          - egressIP: (4)
       "" (5)
          selectors: (6)
          - podSelector:
                io.kubernetes.pod.namespace: example-namespace (7)
1 Name of the policy, select a descriptive name if possible.
2 Destination CIDRs which should be routed through the static egress IP. In-cluster CIDRs are automatically excluded by Cilium.
3 We exclude the cluster’s private network CIDR from the set of destinations that should be routed through the static egress IP. While Cilium automatically excludes the cluster node IPs, we most likely want the whole private network CIDR to be excluded from the egress gateway policy. Omit this configuration if you want traffic to other systems in the cluster’s private network CIDR to be routed through the static egress IP.
4 Select an IP in the cluster’s private network CIDR (outside the DHCP range) as the static egress IP.
5 Select infra nodes as egress gateway nodes. Cilium will select one of the nodes to route egress traffic through the defined static egress IP.
6 This section allows you to select pods whose traffic should be routed through the static egress IP Generally, entries are standard pod selectors.
7 Cilium supports a special label key io.kubernetes.pod.namespace which allows selecting all pods in a specific namespace.
This configuration is untested, please update the documentation once you’ve tested this.

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