Rotate cluster API Tokens
Steps to rotate the API tokens used by a OpenShift4 cluster and its surrounding tooling.
yq YAML processor (version 4 or higher - use the go version by mikefarah, not the jq wrapper by kislyuk) -
Vault CLI
Rotate the main cluster API token
Select the cluster whose token is being rotated.
export CLUSTER_ID=<lieutenant-cluster-id> export TENANT_ID=$(curl -sH "Authorization: Bearer $(commodore fetch-token)" ${COMMODORE_API_URL}/clusters/${CLUSTER_ID} | jq -r .tenant)
Identify the API token that should be replaced.
The token should be named
Create a new API token with read/write permissions and name it again
. The token names don’t need to be unique.export CLOUDSCALE_API_TOKEN=<cloudscale-api-token>
Update the token in vault.
Connect with Vaultexport VAULT_ADDR= vault login -method=oidc
vault kv patch clusters/kv/${TENANT_ID}/${CLUSTER_ID}/cloudscale \ token=${CLOUDSCALE_API_TOKEN}
Connect to ArgoCD and "hard refresh" all apps.
Verify that the
secret has been updated.kubectl --as cluster-admin -n syn-csi-cloudscale \ get secrets cloudscale -oyaml |\ yq '.data.access-token' | base64 -d
Restart the csi-cloudscale-controller.
kubectl --as cluster-admin -n syn-csi-cloudscale rollout restart \ sts csi-cloudscale-controller
Verify that the new token is used by the csi-driver.
Create a namspace with a PVC and a pod that mounts the volume.
cat <<EOF | kubectl --as cluster-admin apply -f - apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: labels: vshn name: vshn-rotate-tokens --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: test-vol namespace: vshn-rotate-tokens spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 1Gi storageClassName: ssd --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: shell namespace: vshn-rotate-tokens spec: containers: - name: shell image: command: ['/bin/sh', '-c', 'trap : TERM INT; sleep infinity & wait'] volumeMounts: - name: data mountPath: /data volumes: - name: data persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: test-vol EOF
Check in the cloudscale UI (
API Tokens
andProject Log
) that the new token has been used to attach a volume to a VM. -
Delete the test namespace again.
kubectl --as cluster-admin delete ns vshn-rotate-tokens
Update the
CI/CD variable in the the cluster-catalog repository.-
Go to the cluster-catalog repo’s CI/CD settings.
url="https://$(commodore catalog list -oyaml |\ yq '.[] | select(.id == strenv(CLUSTER_ID)) | .gitRepo.url' |\ sed -E 's/.+@(.+).git/\1/')/-/settings/ci_cd" xdg-open $url || open $url || echo $url
Edit and update the value of the
variable with the new API token. -
Trigger a pipeline run (Build → Pipelines → Run pipeline).
Verify in the cloudscale UI that the new token has been used.
Delete the old API token.
There are two tokens with the same name. Make sure to delete the one that hasn’t been used since the rotation.
Rotate the floaty API token
Select the cluster whose token is being rotated.
export CLUSTER_ID=<lieutenant-cluster-id> export TENANT_ID=$(curl -sH "Authorization: Bearer $(commodore fetch-token)" ${COMMODORE_API_URL}/clusters/${CLUSTER_ID} | jq -r .tenant)
Identify the API token that should be replaced.
The token should be named
Create a new API token with read/write permissions and name it again
. The token names don’t need to be unique.export FLOATY_TOKEN=<floaty token>
Update the token in vault.
Connect with Vaultexport VAULT_ADDR= vault login -method=oidc
vault kv put clusters/kv/${TENANT_ID}/${CLUSTER_ID}/floaty \ iam_secret=${FLOATY_TOKEN}
Update the
CI/CD variable in the the cluster-catalog repository.-
Go to the cluster-catalog repo’s CI/CD settings.
url="https://$(commodore catalog list -oyaml |\ yq '.[] | select(.id == strenv(CLUSTER_ID)) | .gitRepo.url' |\ sed -E 's/.+@(.+).git/\1/')/-/settings/ci_cd" xdg-open $url || open $url || echo $url
Edit and update the value of the
variable with the new API token. -
Trigger a pipeline run (Build → Pipelines → Run pipeline).
Check the terraform plan output for any unrelated changes, expected output:
Plan: 2 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
Run the
stage of the pipeline. -
Open the linked merge request in the terraform output of the
Review and merge the MR created by terrafrom in the APPUiO hieradata.
Wait for the
deploy pipeline to finish before continuing.
Run puppet on both LBs.
ssh enc.appuio.lbaas.$ sudo puppetctl run ssh enc.appuio.lbaas.$ sudo puppetctl run
Verify that the tokens are updated in the puppet output.
Verify in the cloudscale UI that the new token is being used and usage of the old token has stopped.
Delete the old API token.
There are two tokens with the same name. Make sure to delete the one that hasn’t been used since the rotation.