Installation on Google Cloud Platform

General Procedure
  1. Setup GCP project

    • DNS zone

    • Service Account and permissions

  2. Cluster setup

    • prepare installer configuration

    • run installer

  3. Synfection

  4. Post install configuration


If the project and region names are too long, node provisioning won’t work. See Name length on GCP.

Purser can be used to check if the preconditons are met.

Required input

<base domain>

The base domain used to make the cluster available.

<cluster name>

The name of the cluster. This name will be used as identifier or as part of identifiers. It also will become a subdomain to the base domain.

<service account key>

See Service Account Key


The GCP region to place the cluster. Default to europe-west6

Install cluster

  1. Obtain the installer and pull secret

  2. Copy <service account key> to ~/.gcp/osServiceAccount.json

  3. Create an SSH key for that cluster

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -N '' -f ~/.ssh/<cluster name> -C <cluster name>
    The key must be within the home directory to be picked up by the installer.
  4. Create the default installer config

    openshift-install create install-config --dir=<cluster name>-config (1)
    1 The cluster name from the inputs.
    SSH Public Key

    ~/.ssh/<cluster namme>



    Project ID

    Will be extracted from the service account key file.



    Base Domain

    <base domain>

    Cluster Name

    <cluster name>

    Pull Secret

    Grab from

    Credentials for Pull Secret

    If the customer brings his own subscriptions, the customer should obtain the Pull Secret using his Red Hat account and produce us the Pull Secret.

    For all the other cases:

  5. Review and tweak installer config

    Use your editor of choice to review the created installer config. Make changes where required.

  6. Make a copy of the installer config

    Once the installer gets executed, the config will be consumed and deleted. If the installer fails and another attempt must be made, a copy of the config is a good thing to have.

    cp -r <cluster name>-config <cluster name>
  7. Run the installer

    openshift-install create cluster --log-level=debug --dir=<cluster name>

    Takes roughly 45 minutes to complete. The installer might timeout. This doesn’t necessarily indicate a failed setup. Waiting some more time might be enough.

  8. Put the kubeadmin credentials into password manager

    Create a new password record. Use kubeadmin as username and the password from <cluster name>/auth/kubeadmin-password. Also upload <cluster name>/auth/kubeconfig as an attachment.

    Password manager
  9. Gain access to the OpenShift/Kubernetes API

    export KUBECONFIG=<cluster name>/auth/kubeconfig
  10. Synfection

    Synfect the cluster according to