Configure KubeProxy Replacement with Cilium


  • cluster-admin privileges

  • Cluster is running Cilium. See the migrating to Cilium how-to for a guide to migrate a cluster to Cilium.

  • kubectl

  • jq

  • Working commodore command

Prepare for configuration

Make sure that your $KUBECONFIG points to the cluster you want to migrate before starting.
  1. Select cluster

    export CLUSTER_ID=c-cluster-id-1234 (1)
    export COMMODORE_API_URL= (2)
    export TENANT_ID=$(curl -sH "Authorization: Bearer $(commodore fetch-token)" \
      "${COMMODORE_API_URL}/clusters/${CLUSTER_ID}" | jq -r '.tenant')
    1 Replace with the Project Syn cluster ID of the cluster to migrate
    2 Replace with the Lieutenant API on which the cluster is registered
  2. Check KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST is configured

    kubectl -n cilium get cm cilium-ee-olm-overrides -ocustom-columns=','

    Yields the following output:

    HOST                                    PORT
    api-int.<CLUSTER_DOMAIN>                6443 (1)
    1 If either of these fields returns <none>, make sure cilium is deployed and has no special customisation requirements.
  3. Check k8sServiceHost is configured

    kubectl -n cilium get ciliumconfig cilium-enterprise -ocustom-columns='HOST:.spec.cilium.k8sServiceHost,PORT:.spec.cilium.k8sServicePort'

    Yields the following output:

    HOST                                    PORT
    api-int.<CLUSTER_DOMAIN>                6443 (1)
    1 If either of these fields returns <none>, make sure cilium is deployed and has no special customisation requirements.

Configure KubeProxy Replacement

  1. Get local cluster working directory

    commodore catalog compile "$CLUSTER_ID" (1)
    1 We recommend switching to an empty directory to run this command. Alternatively, switch to your existing directory for the cluster.
  2. Update kubeProxyReplacement for cilium

    pushd inventory/classes/"${TENANT_ID}"
    yq -i '.parameters.cilium.cilium_helm_values.kubeProxyReplacement = "true"' "${CLUSTER_ID}.yml"
    yq -i '.parameters.cilium.cilium_helm_values.nodePort.enableHealthCheck = true' "${CLUSTER_ID}.yml"
  3. Commit changes

    git commit -am "Replace KubeProxy on ${CLUSTER_ID} with cilium"
    git push origin master
  4. Compile catalog

    commodore catalog compile "${CLUSTER_ID}" --push -i
  5. Update deployKubeProxy for network operator

    kubectl --as=cluster-admin patch cluster \
     --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"deployKubeProxy":false}}'