Upgrade to OpenShift 4.14 / Administrator Acknowledgment

OpenShift Container Platform 4.14 uses Kubernetes 1.27, which removed some of the deprecated v1beta1 APIs. A manual acknowledgment must be provided before the cluster can be upgraded to 4.14.

More information can be found in the OpenShift Documentation.

Upgrade to 4.14

  1. Check requests to removed APIs

    kubectl get apirequestcounts \
      --as=cluster-admin \
      -o jsonpath='{range .items[?(@.status.removedInRelease!="")]}{.status.removedInRelease}{"\t"}{.metadata.name}{"\t"}{.status.requestCount}{"\n"}{end}'

    Should print a report like the sample below. The last column is requests in the last 24 hours.

    1.27    csistoragecapacities.v1beta1.storage.k8s.io     0

    If you see counts > 0 you can check from whom the API calls are originating.

    kubectl get apirequestcounts csistoragecapacities.v1beta1.storage.k8s.io \
      --as=cluster-admin \
      -o jsonpath='{range ..username}{$}{"\n"}{end}' \
      | sort | uniq

    Some services autodiscover supported APIs, notably kube-controller-manager (system:kube-controller-manager) and ArgoCD (system:serviceaccount:syn:argocd-application-controller). These services will show up as using deprecated APIs.

    More advanced query: Show only resources with create and update requests.

    kubectl --as=cluster-admin get apirequestcount -ojson | jq '
        .items[] |
                .status.removedInRelease == "1.27" and .status.requestCount > 0
            ) |
                resource: .metadata.name,
                requests: (
                    reduce .status.last24h[] as $hour ({"requests": 0}; .requests += (
                        reduce $hour.byNode[]? as $node ({"requests": 0}; .requests += (
                            reduce $node.byUser[]? as $user ({"requests": 0}; .requests += (
                                reduce $user.byVerb[]? as $verb (0; . + (
                                    if $verb.verb == "watch" or $verb.verb == "list" or $verb.verb == "get" then
  2. Provide the Acknowledgment

    kubectl patch cm admin-acks \
      --as=cluster-admin \
      -n openshift-config \
      --patch '{"data":{"ack-4.13-kube-1.27-api-removals-in-4.14":"true"}}' \
  3. Upgrade the cluster

    Set the desired minor version in openshift_upgrade_controller.cluster_version.openshiftVersion.Minor. The ugprade controller will use this upgrade channel in the next maintenance window.