Add a worker node
Steps to add a worker node to an OpenShift 4 cluster on
Starting situation
You already have an OpenShift 4 cluster on
You have admin-level access to the cluster
You want to add a worker node to the cluster
Update Cluster Config
Update cluster config in syn-tenant-repo on a new branch.
CLUSTER_ID= git checkout -b add-worker-node yq eval -i ".parameters.openshift4_terraform.terraform_variables.worker_count += 1" \ ${CLUSTER_ID}.yml
Commit and create MR to review
git commit -a -m "Add worker node to cluster ${CLUSTER_ID}" git push -u origin add-worker-node
Compile and push the cluster catalog.
Create Node
Verify output of the Terraform plan step (for example, check the output of the Terraform CI/CD pipeline in cluster catalog)
If everything looks good, run
terraform apply
(for example, by triggering the apply step in the CI/CD pipeline).
Approve CertificateSigningRequests
# Once CSRs in state Pending show up, approve them
# Needs to be run twice, two CSRs for each node need to be approved
kubectl --as=cluster-admin get csr -w
oc --as=cluster-admin get csr -o go-template='{{range .items}}{{if not .status}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}{{end}}' | \
xargs oc --as=cluster-admin adm certificate approve
kubectl --as=cluster-admin get nodes